Category: story

The ugly side of 2FA

Jul 26, 2018 5 min.

I like security. I like to keep up to date, and I use 2 factor authentication on most if not all of my online accounts. I got to the point where I had that warm fuzzy feeling that I actually knew what I was doing. I’ve had a wild last couple of weeks that were not fun for me but hopefully you’ll get a laugh or 2 out of it.

Hello World! (Again)

Jul 25, 2018 2 min.

You got to this website somehow, so I am going to assume you already know who I am… No need for redundancy! Over the years I’ve had a myriad of solutions on where to put my thoughts. Starting out with a hosted website, I installed WordPress and soon began spitting out content about my current school projects, ideas and other irrelevant ramblings. My WordPress blog (security holes aside) aged poorly so I eventually moved to my first VPS at DigitalOcean with a 60$ student credit from GitHub, and tried out hosting my own stuff there.

What I learned by doing my whole website thing

Jun 6, 2016 7 min.

I started my own website back in November 2014, and it’s safe to say that it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I’ve learned countless things I would never have learned if it weren’t for the periodic makeover I wanted to do, discovered new interests and I also started my blog. I’m going to explain what I learned over the course of these few months, because most of what I learned can be taught in a 30 minute crash course.